Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Head and the Heart

If you haven't listened to them yet, I don't know what you're doing with your life. I'm wearing out their first album, but it never gets old. It's the kind of music that makes me feel like I'm singing from my soul. Take a listen.

Since last posting about grace, I got my first tattoo (I know, it took me a little long to post about it). Don't let people fool you with their tattoo stories: Foot tattoos hurt like hell. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain, and I'm proud to say I didn't cry or shout, but it was painful. But so worth it. "Unforced rhythms of Grace" represents a wish of mine, because grace currently feels everything but unforced. One day. :)

The past couple weeks have been a little chaotic. Some shake ups at work, paired with me being in the office more than normal have made me feel weary. But I cherish the time I get to spend home with Ryan.

This week I went with 2 coworkers to a job fair down at WTAMU, and got the chance to speak with many different students about school and the company. I was blessed with the opportunity to speak with one particular girl who couldn't have been more than a year younger than myself, but was asking about one of our salaried positions. The more I spoke with her the more she opened up about her upcoming wedding and how she was scared for her and her future husband because he would still be in school and she would be supporting them. I think too many people who get married at my age are convinced that they both have to have everything in perfect order or it's all going to fall apart. By no means was it easy to get married as young as Ryan and I did, and I know everything would have been much easier if we both had been graduated from college and pulling down good salaries together- but we made it without all that. I think it just takes a little more conscious effort. It was just a blessing to get to talk to her about it, in the middle of an event I was at for work. I'm thankful I have such a people-centric job.

Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before I write again. Look for upcoming posts about my Boston trip in April!


  1. I love The Head and the Heart. And my tattoo really didn't hurt that bad even though people said it would be terrible. I was too scared for a foot tattoo though. Much too scared.

  2. Pain-wise, I wish I had gone with the wrist. But I love it more and more every day, so I'm glad I didn't make him stop after "Unforced".
