Sunday, July 21, 2013

Coming home.

Our decision to move home has come with so many mixed emotions. Though I'm keeping my job, I'm already missing my coworkers. I'm missing the flurry of the office more than I expected, and I think working from home will come with just as many stressors as working in the office. I'm torn between excitement and stress. 

Other people seem to have mixed emotions, too. When we talk about moving back to Richmond, you can see the mixture of disappointment and irritation. It's odd, really. We like Richmond. We miss our families and being close to them. We miss Vineyard and feel drawn to come back. We're excited to live near our nieces and nephews. We're excited to buy our first house and make a home. Why does it matter if we choose to make all that happen in Richmond? Why does it matter to anyone other than us at all? 

We're starting our drive on Thursday, and we still have so much to do. Thankfully, Ryan's last day at work was Friday, so he's going to continue to be superman and finish the rest of the packing and cleaning. My last day in the office is Wednesday, and I'm going to start working from home on Friday. Pray for us as we journey back across the country! We're prayerful for a peaceful day with no car issues and good driving weather!

1 comment:

  1. Our move from Texas to Ohio was not my favorite thing. I'll pray yours goes a bit more peacefully. :) And not just for the move, for the transition too!
